5K Celebration

Confidence through

Each season comes to an end with a celebratory 5K. This closing event gives program participants of all abilities a tangible sense of accomplishment. Crossing the finish line instills confidence through completion and is a joyful moment program participants always remember! Everyone in our program receives a commemorative medal to celebrate this incredible achievement.

5K Celebration

Confidence through

5K Event Details

DeSales 5k
Sunday, May 18, 2025-RAIN OR SHINE!

DeSales University - University Center 

2755 Station Avenue, Center Valley, PA 18034


Please leave extra time for traffic and parking. If possible, please consider carpooling.

8:45am: Arrive for pre-race activities (activities will be held indoors)

10:00am: Race Start

**Running Buddy and/or Alumni registration for program participants who attend schools/sites in the following schools and school districts:

Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Lehighton, Lehigh Valley Academy, Palmerton, East Penn, Parkland, Circle of Seasons, Executive Education Charter, Hopewell Park, Northwestern Lehigh, Northern Lehigh, Salisbury, Saucon Valley, Seven Generations 


Registration Categories Price for Both Categories 

Running Buddy (ages 16 and older. Male or Female)


Alumni (must have completed the GOTR or HS program previously. 

$25 *Early Bird Registration. Must register by April 29th 

$30 after April 29th. Shirt size is not guaranteed. 

NOTE: Program participants and coaches have already been registered for the 5K and DO NOT need to register.

We will need volunteers for the following activities to ensure our event is a success! 

  • Set-up and Tear Down
  • Registration
  • Course Marshalls
  • Running Buddies
  • Water Stations
  • Cheer Stations
  • Happy Hair 
  • Inspiration
  • Finish Line Refreshements

Volunteer Registration is open! Click HERE to register.



Adult 5K participant smiles while running outdoors through the city


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5K or a future event?

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